
Action Banner

Томми Киркланд (Captkirk) здесь ... 

Как разместить изображение баннера на рекламных сайтах. 

Вот как вы размещаете рекламные баннеры в Traffic Exchange, Viral Mailers, Safelists и т. Д. ... 

Получите ваши баннеры из Marketing Aids тогда: 

Размещение баннера 468x60:
- Добавьте URL изображения баннера: https: //sfimg.csidn.com/SFIBanners/EC -Premium / bannerEC4.png
- Добавить целевой URL (URL-адрес шлюза): https: //www.sfi4.com/xxxxxxx/ec (замените X на SFIID). 

Как видите, вам не нужны полные HTML-коды для размещения баннерной рекламы вам просто нужно изображение баннера и URL шлюза.

И вы будете делать то же, что и выше, с баннерами 125x125. 

Кроме того, вы должны включить весь URL, который включает в себя «http» или «https». 

Если у вас возникли проблемы с размещением баннеров, удалите «s» из вашего URL. 

Совет: публикуйте объявления ежедневно, чтобы создать свою команду, увеличить продажи и получить остаточный доход!

You can only install a banner on your own website or blog.
But the 250x250 and 125x125 size banners can be installed at most
safe-lists and traffic exchanges.

In fact I would advise you to do just that first so you have some practice doing it.

First put your finger on the left side of your mouse.
Drag it inside the banner from the bottom right to the top left while holding your
finger on it.

Next drop all the contents inside the box provided at the safe-list,traffic exchange,website or blog
by right clicking the mouse.

Then click upload.

Practice it till you have got it.

Good day, I hope all is fine on your side

To install the TC banner just go to your Blog or Site then take the link from one Banner in the Marketing Center & past it
Read more here:
How do I install an SFI or TC banner on my blog or Website?

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Томми К.   
Соединенные Штаты
Gold Fast-Track
Сообщений: 3,865 | Подписчиков: 913 | 17-й год с SFI

 It is truly a system with great potential.  Check this.https://www.leadsleap.com/?r=irinazinnatullina

How do I find members of a network marketing team?

Greeting to you all, Hope you having great day ahead.

I find one of the article published yesterday so interested and I think of sharing it with all new affiliates so that you can know what to do intent of inviting other people's to join them. You can get the source HERE and I hope you will love it.

Network Marketing is a fast and affordable to start a home business. But like any other type of business, making requires that you sell your products or services. Of course one of the perks of network marketing is that you can help others start their own business and earn an income off their sales volume as well.

Starting a business is an exciting time. To make sure you put yourself on the path to success and avoid mistakes, you should start of by:

- You need go through all the available materials in SFI business , including reading all of the company policies, Rules of Success and many more.
-You need to study the SFI compensation plan and the Benefits chart, and what perks and benefits the SFI offers time to time, so you know what you need to do to make money and earn bonuses.
- You can connect with your sponsor or co-sponsor for more information on trainings, tips and methods and other resources to help you with.

Once you have a good sense of SFI company and how it works, it's time to start building.

In a network marketing business, you're essentially selling two different things:

1 Products and services offered by your direct sales and

2 The business opportunity.

1 To promote the company products, you need to develop a marketing plan the same as you would for any other business. 2 That starts by knowing who the most likely buyer of your product/services are, finding where they are so you can market to them, and then creating marketing materials HERE to put in front of them.

Building a team of business builders is slightly different. While many of your customers may decide to start their own business, you can also market for people who are looking to start a home business by giving them your free gateways HERE too.

I want to say it categorically that if you re not an ECommergy Subscribers, You are missing most important materials, Tips and Strategy on how to build your financial income in SFI business.

Best Regard.  Michail A.

https://www.sfimg.com/forum/thread?id=156243    http://www.joinmysfiteam.com/19056578      http://www.sfi4.com/19056578/ec

 It is truly a system with great potential.  Check this.https://www.leadsleap.com/?r=irinazinnatullina

HOW to set up your bitcoin wallet with block chain

How to set up your bitcoin wallet with block chain.

Block chain is the best wallet provider.
This information I sourced from researching bitcoin online.
WHAT IS A WALLET> "Wallets are often described as a place to hold or store bitcoins.
Sign up for your wallet at blockchain.com
Log into your Block Chain Back Office.
Wallet ID is your unique identifier.
It is completely individual to you, and it is what you will use to log in and access your wallet.
It is not an address for sending or receiving.
Write this down on a piece of paper with your password. YOU do not want to lose this information.

Settings! YOU will see individual links at the left.
View at the right. Security Center Click and take your time setting up..
View the list.. Wallet Password YOU can click the blue button at the right to change. FAQ READ..
MOST Important set up All Level One Steps.
Email verification is a must... They will send you an email when unusual activity is alerted.
Level 2! Prevent unauthorized access to your wallet!
Click Preference and set up security. Mobile Number Verified
YOU will see the number at the right.. Click the Blue Button to change.
Link your Mobile Phone to receive access codes. 
Do the SAME for Email Verified
Wallet Language I select English from the drop down box.
Select your local currency. I select US $$ from the drop down box.
Notifications I tick at the right receive by email.

To find your bitcoin wallet address. Click at the left Bitcoin.
Click Send to send bitcoin funds, very easy instructions to follow.
Click Request to be given your wallet address to receive funds.

As you start to accumulate Bit Coin Click at the left where it reads Hardware.
Invest in your Lock Lock Box Device Box Device.
This was the best $168 NZ dollar investment I ever made. I transfer bitcoin over and save it here.
NO one can access it. As it is tucked away in my draw in New Zealand.
BE sure to take note of the 20 security words in order. As you may need these to verify in the future.


SFI Corporate
New Bitcoin payment option
TripleClicks customers can now pay with Bitcoin using BLOCKCHAIN (Blockchain.com), the world's most popular cryptocurrency wallet. Blockchain has seen over 41 million wallets created by users since it launched as one of the first Bitcoin wallets in 2011.

I experience success at SFI

Strong Future International

George McBride
PlatinumTeam Leader
george.mcbride57 (Skype Me)
I experience success at SFI, my primary business, primarily due to my TrafficWave ad campaigns. Every SFI Affiliate can receive from me my SFI promotional ad campaign and capture pages to promote that campaign.
The "sfiad" campaign I offer has 10 or 15 emails in it. You should be growing that number every week. My personal "sfiad" campaign now lasts about 8 months. A prospect receives an email every couple days. How has this helped me? Here is an email I received today from a new PSA in SFI (Personally Sponsored Affiliate).
I think I mentioned that I was involved with online marketing in the past, but my leadership really did not do the type of things I see you doing as far as marketing your business.  We have actually traded correspondence back an forth previously. I laid low watching for more than a year, and followed your autoresponders messages, etc.  I picked you as sponsor because I believe in your marketing strategies and I trust your leadership. ~~ Greg R.
So this guy hung with my campaign for a year. And he has taken off in his SFI business from the start. It works folks. Grow your lists, grow your campaigns. Offer value content and receive highly valued Affiliates.


How do you get the most out of your email marketing campaign?

My PhotoStrong Future International

George McBride
SFI Team Leader

Dear Irina,
Zhulian CoffeePlus
The number one way I market is email marketing. There are a lot of statistics that show it to be the best possible marketing venue. For example 70% of people polled when asked how they like to receive new information about a product they may purchase said they wanted to receive that information in their email.

So, the question you should have is not, “should I be using email marketing?”. The question is: How do you get the most out of your email marketing campaign?
Maybe you are thinking about putting email marketing to work for your business. Good decision!
The key is to make sure you set up your email marketing campaign so well that you get the best possible outcome: Sales.
I want to help you avoid some of the more common mistakes made and maximize your email marketing campaign to get the best possible results.
Some of the most common mistakes made include things like:
  • Not personalizing your messages. Emails addressed to the individual receiver by name are much more likely to be opened than the same blind subject line.
  • Incorrectly personalized messages. Proofreading can help you catch little mistakes in the tokens that can cause your email to be sent to "FIRSTNAME" instead of the actual name of your reader. Have you ever gotten, "Hey FIRSTNAME I want to personally help you." Yeah Right. Be sure to use the correct tags. In my Primary Business the Genealogy allows emails sent with Tokens and it is ~FIRSTNAME~ I can make mistakes putting the two **. Oops!
  • Incorrect links. I did this just last week in my Genealogy Mailing. Let’s say your message gets opened, and your prospect reads it. They want to know more so they click your link and … get lost. Proofreading helps here, too! This is the most common error I see.
  • Your messages getting routed to the spam folder. It can happen and it’s easier than you think for your messages to get routed to the spam or junk folder. A message never received will never be opened. One reason behind non-responsive affiliates could be the powerful spam catchers used by most ISPs. Your Welcome Letter or other e-mails may not be getting through to them as a result. When that happens, your message is lost. Google "Spam Triggers" for tips that will improve deliverability helping your message get to the inbox.
  • Bouncing email addresses. Having invalid or unknown email addresses in your list can cause your deliverability rate to tank.  And many autoresponder services charge you for the size of your list, no matter how many are actually deliverable. It makes more sense to use a service that removes bouncing or unknown email addresses.
So let’s say you’ve done all the work, all the proofreading. You’ve written a good subject line and it is personalized to address each reader by name. You’ve checked your links. Your list is good. Your list is clean. It’s time to send your email.
This is where the line gets drawn for many email marketing professionals. The days of just being able to send out a quick ad or offer are pretty well over. With a vast majority of email being labeled as “spam”, and a lot of valid emails falling in to boxes where people don’t actually read the message, it can be challenging.
Still, successful email marketers report outstanding ROI (Return On Investment). Some report email marketing returns as high as 4300%! So how do they do it?
To view this message as a web page, click here

Message Sender Info: George McBride sfisponsor@servethailand.com )
George McBride | 63/2 Ratutit Rd Soi 8 | Chiang Mai, 50000 | 66857076824 | United States

Email Marketing by TrafficWave.net:

TW.Example text based

Here are some example text based promotional ads. Feel free to copy and paste them 

Does Your AutoResponder Pay You Through 10 Levels?!?
Mine Does! Weekly Fast Tracks, Regular Commissions, and Leadership Bonuses!
Start Today with a FREE 30 Day Trial and See What You've Been Missing!

Is Your AutoResponder Service Breaking The Bank?
Mine Charges a LOW Flat Rate for Unlimited Lists and Campaigns!
Start Today with a FREE 30 Day Trial and See What You've Been Missing!

Easily Create, Send, and Track Unlimited Sales Letters, Follow-up Messages,
Articles, and Special Offers with TrafficWave.net AutoResponders!


Easily Create, Send, and Track Unlimited Sales Letters Online!

Experience the power of unlimited autoresponder
technology! Automate your online sales letters!
Visit my site for full details:


Unlimited Autoresponders!
Unlimited AdTracking!
Free 30 Day Trial!

Are You Using Facebook to build your email list.

SFI Team Leader
Skype: george.mcbride57

Dear Irins
This might seem counter intuitive but the success of a Facebook business page is not necessarily determined by the number of likes it has. Sure page likes ( your fan base) and engagement ( post likes , shares , and comments ) are important as they are great for social proof and organic growth, but don’ t lose sight of your main goal: generating leads from Facebook, leads that LEAD to sales. Here is how to do it.

# 1 Create the right freebie offer.
Create a very specific opt - in offer to generate leads. Something that can be consumed in 5 minutes or less works really well. Place a link to this offer on your about page so it remains visible at all times. A good opt-in offer I have used is, my top five Free internet marketing tools. 
# 2 Run ads for list building purposes.
You can promote important updates and posts but you will get the most bang for your buck when you drive people to a landing page with the sole purpose of capturing their email address (  a squeeze page ). You can create a page on your website or use a standalone page for this purpose. TrafficWave has many, many templates you can use as a stand alone page.
# 3 Follow up with an autoresponder series.
Don ’ t forget to warm up your newly acquired leads and make an initial offer usingTrafficWave's  automation email campaign services. Use these email campaign series of to build rapport and trust , tell your marketing story , build credibility and pitch an introductory level product or service in the end.

Now, Go get them!
In a nutshell, if you want this year to be the year you master Facebook for business, you need to learn how it really works , go deeper than just using it on a superficial level , and make the most of the essential features . With this post , you get a big picture overview of what you need to be paying attention to and also the things you can safely ignore. Now go and take action, Make it your year and be a Facebook rock star and let us knowwhich tips you found as most helpful!
SFI Team Leader
Visit me FaceBook page to see what I do: http://www.thaiearner.ws/OurCommunity

Lead generation system

Izibeya, hello!  I am glad to read from you again on the "forum".  I, too, like you, are looking for ways to advertise.  Here is one of many sites, check it out.  I'm still there as a free member. There you will meet ours, with ads from SFI.

Subject: My honest review of this
amazing lead generation system.

 Subject: Get free access to this powerful traffic system!


 Not many traffic systems can arouse my interest these days.  But this one did.

 Here are the reasons why I like this system:

 1) It has a unique advertising tracking system that ensures that my ads are actually viewed, and not just get clicks.

 2) Top-level link tracking system.  He can tell me if I get real visitors or just click the bot.

 3) I can get SEO traffic from his Social Review system.

 4) I can receive traffic from hundreds of other transport networks without the need to join each of them.

 It is truly a system with great potential.  Check this.https://www.leadsleap.com/otolistbuilder/?r=irinazinnatullina

 To your success: Team leader SFI: Irina Zinnatullina 

Talk about frustrating

Talk about frustrating.
It’s hard enough to make your emails stand out in crowded inboxes. But what if your message doesn’t even reach its intended destination in the first place?
Here are 7 tips to get your messages in front of your audience every time:
  • Ask for Permission: Consider a recipient’s inbox as an invitation-only venue. Don’t just sneak in the backdoor—get their go-ahead first. This is why TrafficWave has a double opt-in procedure
  • Set Expectations: Give subscribers control over how often they would like to hear from you.
  • Validate Emails: Use email validation to ensure each address on your list is active and has proper syntax.
  • Avoid Deception: Don’t use sneaky tricks like misleading subject lines or hard-to-find unsubscribe links. They’re irritating and lower your credibility.
  • Segment Audiences: Use customer data to segment your audience, and make sure you’re sending the right content. Irrelevant content leads to poor open rates and unsubscriptions.
  • Get Added to the Safe Sender List: To avoid getting caught in the spam filter, include a link in every email asking subscribers to add you to their safe senders list.
  • Make it Easy to Unsubscribe: Be sure to have an unsubscribe link so recipients aren’t forced to mark your messages as spam.
These seven tips can help guarantee your emails consistently land in the inbox. 

Successful business people

Successful business people and sales people know that the key to success is to set up systems that allow you to be productive and efficient. 
In business, it is a well known fact that leads are the life blood keeping your business alive.
So it makes sense that you would want to set up systems that will consistenly and efficiently do two things:
1) Generate new leads.
2) Follow up with those leads.
It doesn't matter what business you are in:
 * if you are an Ezine publisher... you need new subscribers.
 * if you are a Real Estate Agent... you need new buyers and sellers.
 * if you are an entertainer... you need more fans and venues.
 * if you are a network marketer... you need more prospects.
 * if you are an insurance agent... you need more leads.
And that is exactly what the TrafficWave Autoresponder system does. Our system shows you how to generate effective ad copy, how to track the results of your online ads, how to capture web site visitors into your leads list, and how to convert those leads into sales.
And Irins it is 100% FREE for the next 30 days.
You truly have nothing to lose, here. You will have a full 30 days to try out this system absolutely free. 
Review the training articles and test out the tools for yourself. Put the system to the test in your business. 
Ask questions, kick the tires, and really check it all out.
Visit http://www.trafficwave.net/members/geomc57
and set up your FREE trial account today.

Screen Video Tutorials

Screen Video Tutorials

Hello Everyone-
The age old complaint - “Can we have video tutorials?” as most everyone knows the answer has consistently been denied. With always so many reasons of why we can’t, instead of solutions of why we can. Awful thinking , but that’s a whole different topic in itself.

This thread is about doing them yourself, how to do them & their impact. It will enable you to teach your PSAs things visually that may be difficult to explain or for those who are struggling to learn by reading up on specific topics.

I have found the solution. YES, you can do this too! Free!

•The first step you’ll want to do is download WhatsApp (Free messenger for Android or iPhone WORLDWIDE, suitable perfectly for SFI which is WORLDWIDE)
•Secondly, send a communication to your PSAs that you’d like them to join a group chat on WhatsApp.
•Thirdly, once everyone is there the team leader (myself) can ask who is having trouble doing certain functions or understanding certain things. Example- how do I ensure 2nd home CSA is turned on? How do I reassign a PSA to another affiliate? How do I get to a certain area in SFI? The list goes on and on.
•Fourthly, the team leader or others in the group who want to show a training video to everyone in the group can perform the action on their own phone By utilizing SCREEN VIDEO RECORDING.

A. Video screen recording for iPhone-
Swipe up from your home screen and click the double outlined circle. You’ll know you screen is recording because a red bar will go across the top of the screen. For Android,

B. Video screen recording for Android- (this will take effort, but once unlocked it’s open for good)
By default, the screen recorder is disabled, so you'll have to manually enable it. Before that, however, you first need to unhide the "Developer options" menu. Open the Settings app, select "About phone," then tap on the "Build number" at the bottom at least 7 times in a row. You'll be prompted to enter in your lock screen password, PIN, or gesture. After you do, you'll return to the previous page, and it will say "You are now a developer!" Now, return to the "System" settings, choose "Advanced" to reveal more options, and you will now see "Developer options." Inside your "Developer options" menu, select "Feature flags" in the Debugging section. Next, find the "settings_screenrecord_long_press" flag and toggle it on. Once enabled, you will now be able to use the new built-in screen recorder. Long-press the power button to access the power menu, then long-press the screenshot button until you see a menu pop-up with the button "Start Recording." Tap it, and a new pop-up will appear warning that this program will capture everything on your display. Choose "Start now." A notification will appear titled "Screen Recording" with stop, pause, and cancel options available. Each does as their name implies, allowing you to stop the recording, pause it, or end it without saving it. The notification can be accessed at any time by pulling the tray down from the top. After you hit "Stop," the video will be saved to your default gallery in a folder called "Captures." In the notification that states it was saved, you also have the option to "Share" or "Delete" the video. If you try to take a screenshot during a recording, it seems to break the screen recording, so keep that in mind.

•Fifthly, send your screen recorded training to the group! All in the group can see them and learn from them visually.
•Finally & most importantly, make sure when your recording and flipping through all your own personal SFI account information to display and train others.. do not go to your earnings section. That’s the only exception! As our earnings are confidential per the affiliate agreement!

It is the 12th of the month and I have the highest earning since my inception of joining.
Coincidence ?
VIDEOS WORK! its 2019 not 2003, #FirstWorldProblems

Start now & have a phenomenal day,