
How to Use an Autoresponder to Make More Money.

George McBride
SFI Team Leader
Get your Business Growing
Dear Irina,
Everyone collects leads on their website. Everyone today is getting leads online, and for good reason. There is a ton of money to be made online.
But how do we handle these leads. Here are three big mistakes to avoid with internet leads.

1. You quit too soon.

Every entrepreneur quits before the miracle happens. You know how many contacts it takes before a lead responds? It takes six calls before the chance of contact even opens up. The average contact needs eight calls just to respond after they’ve shown interest. The average entrepreneur makes fewer than two follow ups to an internet lead.
You should not be trying to sell them right now but just getting your name, your products, and your brand in front of the customer. The top 1 percent never quit too soon. Keep persisting and keep working at it.
To do so you need a tool that will keep you consistently and persistently in front of your Audience.

2. Wrong product.

Sixty-eight percent of the people to hit your website enter on a product that they will not purchase.  This is why 79 percent of all leads never, ever convert into a product sale. They are shopping a product they are interested in but they are not going to buy.
I have a friend in the Maldives. I did a search on his home area and got some beautiful websites and blogs about the Maldives. Since then I have receive 100's of ads on trips to the Maldives. I not going. I was just interested.
I am one of the 79%. So, email marketing is essential to broaden the scope of my offers. I might begin with offering information about the Maldives, but I need to broaden my appeal to the prospect. 
Sometimes people show the wrong interest at the wrong time. So take the time to qualify. Make sure the prospect knows all the other services and products we offer.
This can only be done effectively if you have the tools to do it.

3. No research on leads.

When I am an online consumer, nobody is taking the time to look at who I am. It’s so easy with the internet to know who your customer is. Google their name, the company, etc. and find out who they are. Get pictures, maps, mission statements and what they’ve accomplished.
Combine email marketing with your social media engagement. Help the prospect know you as a person, and you take time to know the prospect.
If you have leads that you think are no good, it’s because you aren’t doing research. Find out who you’re dealing with. You aren't doing business with a business, you're doing business with people. Whether it’s 100K employees or a small business, they both are companies of people. People make decisions. The more research you do on your leads, the more you can admire them, edify them and create a connection with them. Don’t neglect the research.
If you're serious about working online then you must be engaged is email marketing. I can help. Email marketing is not tough. You don't need to write a novel. Did you know research has shown 20 line emails get the highest Click Trough Rates?
Email Marketing
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Message Sender Info: George McBride sfisponsor@servethailand.com )
George McBride | 63/2 Ratutit Rd Soi 8 | Chiang Mai, 50000 | 66857076824 | United States

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