
How can I effectively sell products on Internet?

ECommergy Charter Subscriber

dakshucommergy asks

 How can I effectively sell products on Internet? 

Affiliate3Percent says

As a Seller:

Clean descriptive headlines.

A body section that gives a brief overview of the product features and uses. 

Images, more than one angle, preferring the front, back, and side.

Detailed product specifics ie: weight, size, and ingredients.

Customer feedback and reviews.

A means to share the product listing socially.

This is all the info needed to sell through ads or affiliate marketingas long as you have done this job correctly.

For Affiliates:

You should have a blog on your own domain name. A free blog is not a permanent home and can be closed by the blog host for any and/or no reason given at any time.

On the blog write a thorough review of the product. Share images, list a more in-depth description of how and who benefits from its use. Share things like pricing, shipping info and tested and product specs.

Be sure to have a means of social media sharing on your blog, a subscription form to follow up or send other product listings and updates, and have social media profiles to share the review to as well.

Be sure to set the 5 social signals for search in the infographic below.

Advertise the review using a mixture of free and paid media with a heavy focus on sales forums, safe e-mails, search engine marketing, and classifieds listings.

Common Pitfalls

The biggest pitfall comes from not training your brain for a task at hand. If you are a seller and don't know how to write ad copy, hire a copywriter or take a class first.

Try not to use a free blog. These don't index well in search, they look less professional than a me.com domain, and you could get buried by having your site shut down as SPAM if they think your reviews are more advertising than a review.
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