
Greate Ads from Instagram

Instagram is one of the largest and most popular social networks, making it a powerful marketing tool for your small business.
Instagram has more than a billion active users per month and is one of the most popular social networks and an important marketing tool for business.
60% of Instagram users have an income of $ 100,000 or more. In addition, 90% of Instagram users follow one or more companies, often opening or buying products.
Create a business profile !!!

              Create Ads from Instagram 

If you're based in or intend to target audiences in the US and want to create an ad campaign that relates to credit, employment or housing, you must choose the category that best describes your ads from the Special Ad Category dropdown menu.
You can run ads directly from the Instagram app. Once you've converted to a business account, you can use the Promotions button from your profile to run post and stories ads.

Before you begin

  • Convert your profile to a business account.

Create ads directly from Instagram

To create an ad from Instagram:
  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap Promotions.
  3. Tap Create Promotion at the bottom.
  4. Choose a post you'd like to promote.
  5. Tap Next at the upper-right corner.
  6. If you didn’t link to a Facebook Page when you set up your Instagram professional account, you will be prompted to connect a Page. You can choose an existing Page or tap Skip.
  7. Fill in the details of your promotion by setting things like Destination (where to send people), Audience (who you want to reach), Budget (how much you want to spend daily) and Duration (how long you want your promotion to run). Tap Next once you've completed these details.
  8. To complete your promotion, tap Create Promotion under Review.
Your ad will be submitted for review to make sure it meets our ad policies. Your promotion will begin running after it's been reviewed and approved. After submitting your ad, you can use the Promotions button to view insights.

About Connecting a Facebook Page to your Instagram Professional Account

About Connecting a Facebook Page to your Instagram Professional Account

Professional accounts on Instagram are connected to a Facebook Page. When you choose to connect to a Facebook Page, this allows you to use your professional account for the ads you create on Facebook. If you choose not to connect a Facebook Page with your Instagram professional account, you won't be able to make the most out of the business tools available to you.
By connecting a Facebook Page to your Instagram professional account, you'll be able to:
  • Promote your posts and stories. In some regions, you'll need to claim a Facebook Page in order to advertise from Instagram.
  • Get started with shopping on Instagram. In addition to meeting business requirements, you will need to have a linked Facebook Page to set up shopping on Instagram.
  • Run Instagram and Facebook ads from your Page. From your Page, you can create ads that will appear on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Post efficiently. When your Page and professional account are linked, you can share posts on both platforms. If you choose to advertise from your Facebook Page, you can also reach more people with your ads because they can also run on Instagram.
  • Conveniently pay for promotions. By linking Facebook and Instagram, you'll be able to use the payment method you use on Facebook on Instagram. You can also pay for promotions from the Instagram app, if that works better for your business.
  • Manage your messages. When you link Facebook and Instagram, you can manage your messages across Messenger and Instagram from a single unified inbox.
  • Sync business contact information. After you link Facebook and Instagram, the Page and Instagram account can edit contact information for one another for consistency.
  • Gain access to cross-app tools. By linking Facebook and Instagram, you’ll gain access to tools such as appointment booking buttons, donation stickers and camera effects.

Learn more

About Professional Accounts

About Professional Accounts

Converting to a professional account will limit your ability to take certain actionsroo on Instagram.
  • If you've linked a Facebook Page to your professional account, you'll only be able to share your Instagram posts to Facebook through that Page. You won't be able to share to another Facebook Page or to a Facebook profile. If you'd like to switch the Facebook Page you're able to share Instagram posts to, you'll need to convert back to a personal account. Once you've converted back, you'll then need to set up your professional account again and select the new Facebook Page you'd like to use.
  • Business Profiles can't be set to a Private Account.
However, there are many new features you'll receive when you convert to a professional account.
  • Linked Permissions: When you link an Instagram account to a Facebook Page, admins, editors and other Page roles will have equal permissions on the associated Instagram account.
  • Contact Information: Professional accounts include a Contact button near the top of their profile. You'll be able to include directions, a phone number and/or an email address. If you entered a physical address, it'll now appear below your profile's description. You can also choose to display or hide your contact information on your public profile after setting up.
  • Category Label: Professional account will show a category directly below the profile image. This category is the same as the category of your linked Facebook Page. You can choose to display or hide your category label on your public profile after setting up.
  • Insights: You'll receive access to Instagram Insights. Instagram Insights provide information on who your followers are, when they're online and more. You can also view insights for specific posts you've created to see how each performed and how people are engaging with them.
  • Secondary Inbox: You’ll have access to an inbox with Primary and General tabs. You can use this inbox to organize your messages and control notifications.
  • Ranked Requests: You’ll be able to sort your requests by received date or by top accounts.
  • Switch Back to a Personal Instagram Account From a Business Account

    If you've converted your personal Instagram profile to a business account, you can switch it back at any time.
    To convert back to a personal profile:
    1. Go to your profile and tap  in the upper right corner.
    2. Tap Settings.
    3. Tap Account.
    4. Tap Switch to Personal Account.
    5. Tap Switch Back to confirm.
    Note: Each time you switch back to a personal account, your insights data on Instagram will be erased.
  • https://help.instagram.com/138925576505882?helpref=related

Set Up a Professional Account on Instagram

Set Up a Professional Account on Instagram

On Instagram, you can convert your personal profile to a professional account to access features that can help you grow your business.
To switch your profile to a professional account:
  1. Go to your profile and tap  in the upper right corner.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Account.
  4. Tap Switch to Professional Account.
  5. Tap Business.
  6. If you'd like, you can follow the steps to connect your professional account to a Facebook Page associated with your business. This step is optional, and will make it easier to use all of the features available for businesses across the Facebook family of apps. At this time, only one Facebook Page can be connected to your professional account.
  7. Add details, like your business category and contact information.
  8. Tap Done.
With a professional account, you'll be able to access business features and Instagram Insights. These tools can help you understand who is engaging with your business on Instagram.
You also have the option to display or hide your business category and contact information on your profile. After setting up, go to your profile and tap Edit Profile. Go to Profile Display under Public Business Information to choose whether you want to hide or display your category label and contact info. Then, tap Done.

What is passive income?

What is passive income?
Passive income means that you earn money on a regular basis without doing anything with it. Sitting on the beach and sipping cocktails while a bank account explodes, stocks rise and interest rates rise. It would be nice! Of course, this is usually not the case. The Internet is not only full of such and similar offers, but also largely hides what needs to be done to a certain extent in order to earn money passively. Financial freedom is sold on the Internet for granted. However, eBesucher Surfbar offers unique opportunities for everyone to receive passive side income at home.
Get Passive Income with eBesucher Surfbar
You will receive a personalized link to eBesucher. When you click on the link you will be provided with fully automatically paid sites of our advertisers. All this works as an advertisement on television: Surfbar sites automatically (passively) create and disappear by themselves again. For each advertiser’s site you get a passive reward: you don’t need to do anything about it and watch your income grow! Passive merit at Surfbar will be credited directly to your profile!

What is a hashtag?

What is a hashtag?
What and how many hashtags to use for advertising
If you're new to Instagram or just want to improve the visibility of your account, hashtags are an important tool to get more followers and likes. Posts with at least one hashtag have more activity than posts without them. Instagram hashtags help classify your posts and allow users to find content related to them.

How to use hashtags?
You can add a hashtag to comments or captions of your photos. The hashtags in the message that is set as public will be displayed on the corresponding hashtag page.
You can also add hashtags to your Instagram stories. This can be done in two different ways: one - using stickers with hashtags, and the other - simply type hashtags using a text tool. Unfortunately, just writing every hashtag related to your post will not give you more followers on Instagram!
Choose tags that describe your account, your business, and your target market. Avoid spam hashtags that have been used a million times or more. You can get a couple of likes, but your post will be lost in the crowd and it will be chased by bots, which will not help to create an interested group of subscribers.

Use Instagram hashtags in your comments.
Although you have the option to add up to 30 hashtags to your title, users are less involved in distracting the many hashtags that accompany your post. Posting comments on your Instagram hashtags still provides maximum coverage without distracting attention from your post.

Use the maximum number of hashtags
Although 30 hashtags sound like a lot, now that you use comments and not headers, this gives you more options for getting followers and increasing likes. However, you do not need to use all of them if you cannot remember the 30 corresponding hashtags. In the end, choosing the right hashtag for your target audience is the most important factor.
Follow Us On Instagram by @nicvalua 

Some useful hashtags to advertise your business:

#Instagram2020 #InstagramSFI #SfiValidi #NGRO #SFI2020 #SFI.Validi #SFI_Validi #Sfi_online_job #MyCollection #GreatBusiness #online__shopping #upstyle_me #nicvalua #online__shopping_nicvalua #christmas #holidays 
#GreatBusiness #online__shopping #upstyle_me #nicvalua 
#ECommergy #AstroAuctions #rewardicalSFI #MyCollections #WatchWoman 
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Khamit V.  
E365 Country Champion
Posts: 150 | Followers: 108 | Joined SFI: Apr 15, 2016
Liked by Satish N.  Lucie B.
I will give away a small but very good secret.
It works, very well.
We all want to have lots of sales, members and make enough money.
Try to connect with those who have so many members.
Now they are a hit, they have been INFLUENCERS in the world for a couple of years now!
If you manage to connect in that circle, you did a great job - Just Smart!
by sasa

Основное руководство по рекламе в Facebook

Основное руководство по рекламе в Facebook

5 минут

Пять шагов для создания рекламы Facebook на вашей странице

Если вы новичок в рекламе на Facebook или в цифровой рекламе в целом, вы можете не знать, как создавать эти типы рекламы. Вот пять ключевых шагов.
Привет, это Марика, и я здесь, чтобы рассказать вам о пяти простых шагах, которые вы можете предпринять, чтобы создать рекламу для своего бизнеса в Facebook.
Реклама на Facebook предназначена для того, чтобы помочь вам достичь бизнес-целей и связаться с клиентами. Вы можете потратить все, что соответствует вашему бюджету, и даже узнать, к каким людям вы обращаетесь.
Готов начать? Откройте свою бизнес-страницу со своего компьютера и нажмите синюю кнопку в левом нижнем углу. Затем выберите, что вы хотите, чтобы ваше объявление помогло вам сделать. Допустим, вы ювелир и хотите, чтобы больше людей смотрели последние дизайны колец на вашем сайте. Вы бы выбрали Получить больше посетителей сайта.
Затем добавьте изображения и текст для вашего объявления. Facebook может предложить изображение и текст, но не стесняйтесь их менять. Например, для вашего ювелирного магазина лучше подойдет фотография одного из новых дизайнов колец, чем фотография вашей витрины. Ваш текст должен быть коротким, простым и запоминающимся.
Ваш третий шаг - создать свою аудиторию. Другими словами, сообщите Facebook, кого вы хотите достичь. Люди в возрасте от 18 до 40 лет, которые недавно были помолвлены, могли бы стать хорошей аудиторией для этих новых дизайнов колец. Вы можете добавить эти детали и многое другое.
Если у вас есть физический магазин, возможно, вы захотите связаться с людьми в радиусе 10 миль от вашего местоположения. Если ваш бизнес более ориентирован на онлайн, возможно, вы захотите охватить более широкую аудиторию, например, целый город. Тебе решать.
Ваш следующий шаг - ваш бюджет. С рекламой Facebook, даже скромный бюджет может иметь большое значение. Сообщите Facebook, как долго вы хотите показывать свое объявление и сколько вы хотите потратить. Вы никогда не будете платить больше, чем выбранный вами бюджет, и вы даже сможете увидеть приблизительное количество людей, которых может охватить ваше объявление. Затем выберите, как вы хотите заплатить.
После того как вы заполнили свое объявление, оно пройдет процедуру проверки, чтобы убедиться, что оно не нарушает наши правила в отношении рекламы. Если он одобрен, он должен сразу же начать бежать.
Когда вы видите, как работает ваше объявление, если вас не устраивают результаты, вы можете отредактировать его или приостановить.
Реклама в Facebook предназначена для того, чтобы помочь вам достичь бизнес-целей и связаться с клиентами. Их быстро создать и легко изменить. Выберите, что вы платите, и быстро и легко свяжитесь с новыми потенциальными клиентами. Более подробную информацию о том, как реклама в Facebook может помочь вашему бизнесу, продолжайте изучать.
Теперь вы знаете, как создать рекламу в Facebook. Далее мы поговорим о том, как создание рекламы может варьироваться в зависимости от выбранной вами цели.