
Autoresponders Can Get You More Social Media

8. Autoresponders Can Get You More Social Media Subscribers and Activity


Autoresponders and social media can work hand in hand. You can include a little tag in your follow up email asking people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, follow you on Twitter, to like your Facebook page or to share you social media posts.
Nothing stopping you from sending out a broadcast asking your list to like and share your YouTube videos. You can ask your subscribers to make comments on your Facebook page. Social media loves interaction and the more subscribers and interaction you have the more your social media posts will be seen.
This will help you create momentum on all your social media platforms. More email subscribers=more Facebook Follower=More YouTube subscribers and on and on.
I hope that you can see by now that it is absolutely imperative that you set up your autoresponder follow up system. Do this first before you waste any money on paid advertising.
I recommend TrafficWave as an autoresponder company. There are other good ones but I know their system works very well and they have been at it longer than most. TrafficWave is a fixed price responder and the cheapest option. Most companies charge you based on the number of subscribers you get, or the number of campaigns you run. And You really cannot go wrong when You can get a 30 day free trial with TrafficWave here.
Once you get your autoresponder system set up let me know. I will help you set up and promote your first campaigns.
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Message Sender Info: George McBride sfisponsor@servethailand.com )

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